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iPT Currency: Get Currency Rates & Conversions for Travels

Writer: RickRick

Currency rates and conversions from the iPackTravel app are now available as a standalone app! We named it iPT Currency — a branch out from the iPackTravel (abbrev. as "iPT") iOS app.

Currency exchange is essential for all travels, whether for leisure or business, so we keep track of currency rates. Good exchange rate is also a factor to consider when deciding where to go for the next trip. One example was the sharp drop in pounds in 2016 due to Brexit, it saw a big increase in visitors to the United Kingdom. That was a great opportunity for many people to travel to the UK at lower costs. Undeniably, currency exchange rate is an essential travel element.

Apart from travel, investments in foreign-currency stocks / mutual funds / Forex / etc., and expenses tracking in wealth management applications also need currency rates to calculate the equivalent values in respective home currencies.

Features of iPT Currency

1. You can add currencies from a list of 160+ currencies to your favourite list.

2. You can specify an amount in your home currency and see respective exchanged values of other selected currencies.

3. The rates shown are mid-market values (i.e for reference only).

  • When booking accommodations or flights via online platforms, these rates give you an indication whether the service providers mark-up their exchange rates. You can decide whether to use their rates or your bank's exchange rates (when using credit cards), whichever is better.

  • When exchanging currencies, money changers will have final say on their buy / sell rates, but you can check their rates against the reference rates to know if you have better deals.

4. All rates will be saved on your device for at least 4 hours and until the next launch of the app to reduce frequent downloading that may incur data charges to you. This is especially useful when you are travelling with data roaming. 4-hour interval is sufficient for travel use as money changers don't update their exchange rates frequency within a day.

5. Rates will not be updated twice on the same weekend. There is no Forex trading on weekends, and rates will not change on these two days, so there is no need to fetch the same data from servers.

6. Currency conversion module is also included for conversion between two selected currencies with the option to take into account middlemen charges.

iPT Currency iOS app is free! Download and try it!


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